Supporting The Bristol Gulls
For the last few weeks HPD’s Ruari Chisholm and Tim Hughes (also from Bristol Maritime Academy) and Lee Spencer- The Rowing Marine have been working with The Bristol Gulls supporting them with their personal and team development for their forthcoming Trans Atlantic Rowing Race.
It has been a rewarding and fantastic opportunity to see a relatively newly formed team come together by applying everything we are covering with them.
A big thanks to Insights who have kindly donated free Insights Discovery profiles that have also really helped them to recognise understand “self and others” better in order to connect more effectively with each other. The all female team of four fortunately has one person sitting in each of the four colour energy quadrants. In fact Ruari says he rarely sees a team demonstrate the colour energies quite so blatantly – by them understanding and harnessing that knowledge it is helping them a lot in so many areas of their development.
As well getting to know one another through HPD facilitated virtual workshops they have developed and fine-tuned their purpose, vision and values with under-pining behaviours. They are currently finalising and agreeing their SMART goals and specific job roles.
This team want to the trailblazers in changing perceptions in trans-Atlantic racing about equality and being eco-friendly. For further information about the team please click here.
We will report more on how the team develops, their preparation for the race which starts on the 12th December and their progress across The Atlantic.
Our new virtual workshops are working well, if you are interested in knowing how HPD can support you in these current times please contact us.