Shirrell Heath, Southampton, Hampshire, SO32 2JY

Lee Spencer – “The Rowing Marine”

Lee Spencer – “The Rowing Marine”

Just days before the UK’s lockdown, HPD’s new motivational speaker Lee Spencer – “The Rowing Marine” gave a really inspiring presentation to Woolmer Hill School in Surrey, a school that we work with running Leadership Development programmes for the Prefects and Senior Year Leadership Team.  

His talk was particularly powerful, where the key topic of resilience was discussed and the importance of failure. Things won’t always turn out as planned so how do you bounce back? Lee’s mantra of “Dare to dream and if you don’t fail, you’re not dreaming big enough” seemed to land well with the students who were a fantastic audience, many coming away inspired to try new things in life, with ideas to keep them aiming for the goals they’ve set themselves.

Lee has rowed the Atlantic twice; Once as part of a team of four, becoming the first all-amputee team to cross the Atlantic. Then in January 2019 he became the first physically disabled person to have rowed solo across the Atlantic. He smashed the able-bodies record set in 2002 by over a month and gained two new World Records. Living by and proving his other mantra of “not defined by disability”.

He speaks to schools and businesses, sharing his inspiring story and valuable life lessons.  Many organisations have found his talks particularly relevant for all levels thorugh thier organisation. For more information about Lee please click here.

Are you using your time to work on your personal development? Maybe you’re thinking of the courses you could do when the Coronavirus outbreak has calmed down? Get in touch with us by email to, or give us a call on +44(0) 1329 836647.

One Response

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